Last year’s Windows Phone sales have been lukewarm to say the least. While the reasons to why people may not purchase Windows Phone are varied, the two major reasons that rise above the rest are marketing and carrier push. The get in and get out campaign that adorned several movie theaters and aired on television failed to resonate with consumers. Moreover, customer service representative indicated a negativity toward Windows Phone according to PCmag. So, how will Microsoft correct the errors that led to poor sales? Get aggressive!
During an interview with Bloomberg, President of Windows Phone Division Andy Lees outlined several steps to ensure Microsoft is in the top three smartphone platform for the next year. Lees noted that Samsung and HTC are increasing their marketing budget for Windows Phone. Lees also clarified that carriers will undergo extensive training to promote Windows Phone and increase retailer incentives. Finally, OEMs will offer affordable smartphones for prices under $100 US dollars on contract; a key market that will improve due to Nokia’s Windows Phone involvement.
For what it seems, Microsoft is improving in several areas that will make Microsoft Windows Phone a marketing success for the holiday season. Only time will indicate whether Microsoft’s aggression will work in the long run. Hopefully it does and Microsoft becomes number 2 mobile platform.
Image Courtesy of All Things D
Source: Bloomberg